3 Ways To Climb The Ladder Faster By Working Smarter (Not More Hours!)
The way I "do" my life and business today is also, in many ways, the reason I received C's and B's through middle school and high school! Doing extra work for the sake of doing busy work or because I was told to, just didn't fit with me (much to the shagrin of my mother)!
Thankfully the same qualities that made for a "not so stellar student" actually translate marvelously to being an entrepreneur and make me a great leadership and business coach. Seeing from a unique vantage point is a gift I've learned to appreciate (though teachers, not so much)! My perspective translates into expedited effectiveness as great ways for you to climb the company ladder a lot faster! Let's look at three simple actions you can take to expedite your career.

This action will seem like an oxymoron, however this profound action is rarely taken. In fact, over 16 years, I've worked with only a handful of executives who have executed this task well (and it was very effective for each)! Here's the question you ask with great consistency (every 60-90 days), "What exactly do I need to do to get to a particular position in 6-12 months?" You're welcome to ask supporting or clarifying questions if necessary, but this is the main question to be answered and you will want tangible details. This consistent question is effective for several reasons: * It ensures you and your boss have and execute clear initiatives. * You know the exact results you are responsible for achieving. * It keeps your boss aware of your desire and intention to move forward. * This way you ALWAYS know how best to spend the majority of your time. * It lets you know what's important so you can delegate or systematize the rest. Once you have the list, create a document with a checklist along side, print it and physically take it to your boss and have him or her read it over while you're standing there! Make any necessary adjustments and begin working toward checking off boxes! In 60-90 days, repeat.
Make a habit of sending a success memo or email every other Friday to your boss (and his or her boss if possible). This need only be a simple bullet point list demonstrating successes, met goals, creative problem solving, classes, books and webinars you've taken to increase knowledge or leadership, and useful processes you've implemented -- then send it monthly to your boss and their boss. Be consistent, as this type of discipline is also valuable to demonstrate.
Be sure to focus your efforts on the 20% of activities that get 80% of your results, which will get you noticed! It is true in every facet of life that 20% gets 80%. Narrow your focus to only the activities that make the most profound impact. The rest can be delegated, eliminated or systematized.
So, the pushback I sometimes get from clients (more often women than men) is that they are afraid of coming off as annoying, or may perhaps seem arrogant. BUT, the truth is, you will actually look extremely competent, confident, professional and you'll likely inspire and raise your boss's game as well! If you're interested in rising quickly, you'll want to add these actions ASAP! Isn't life too short to not live your greatest expression of life? Living free is your birthright and available upon choosing and taking action!
Cheers to Liberate Living! Shawn