Hey there lovies... how's life?
Do you feel good? Are you happy?
Honestly, life today has high potential to be overwhelming and kinda lonely. We can get consumed by stress, anxiety, busyness, thinking and various forms of upset.

And then we feel disconnected.
It IS time to take back your time, claim your courage, and find your freedom.
We would LOVE to support you in learning to feel unbridled happiness, connection, calm and love. Here are a few results our clients have reached with our coaching and programs.
You can liberate your life from chronic & frustrating busyness, obligation and strife!
Transform stress & anxiety into energy & inspiration.
Remove that lingering sense of 'never quite enough' that plagues you at home, in the office & perhaps the spaces in between...
Learn to set rock solid boundaries, say NO with ease, & tackle conflict head on with grace, assertiveness & confidence!
Let go of emotional eating, binging, yo-yo dieting, & body image issues once and for all
Here a a few places Dr. Haywood has been featured for keynote talks:

Whether you feel:
Run ragged
Time starved
Stressed to the max
Overwhelmed with anxiety
Upset, resentful and frustrated
Sick and tired of struggling
Or just want to find some inspiration, solace, energy and peace...
We'd like to help.
Private Liberate My Life Coaching with Dr. Haywood is just what you've been looking for. She can help you redefine and redesign your life in ways that truly HONOR and SERVE you, while promoting meaningful contribution, connection, joy, love and wellbeing. YOU CAN Live YOUR version of a Liberated life without sacrificing your emotions, time, health, family or SELF!